Our New Address: 5/6 Osprey Court Hinchingbrooke Business Park Huntingdon (UK) PE29 6FN
Damage your cricket bat: IF YOU ARE IN COVENTRY OR NEARBY AREA THEN PLEASE CALL 07976248760 or send a message for ALL FULL BAT SERVICES
The game of cricket can sometimes leave your bat in need of some urgent TLC. Instead of dismissing your bat and looking for a new one, you might be able to extend your bat’s lifespan whilst maintaining the blade performance with our in-house bat repairs service if you want to keep your favourite old bat going.
Bat repairs include:
• General Tidy and Clean
• Surface Crack, Lifts, Facial Blade Damage
• Specialist Toe Damage Repairs (IE: Yorker or Mistimed Shots)
• Water Toe Damage
• Weight Reduction
• Broken Handles
• Re- Shaping Handles
• Fit new grips
Damage your cricket bat: IF YOU ARE IN COVENTRY OR NEARBY AREA THEN PLEASE CALL 07976248760 or send a message for ALL FULL BAT SERVICES
(Check for Opening Times)
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 3pm - Saturday 8am - 12 Noon Sunday/Bank Holidays Closed
Store Visits by appointment only, please call on 01480 451234 Online orders are dispatched promptly? Orders over £70 FREE DELIVERY TO UK MAINLAND Click and Collect Service is also available for online order
To find out more information about our In-House Bat Repairs Service, or if you would like to make an enquiry, please complete the form on the Contact us page with detailed information and we will get back to you shortly. You can also ring our Repairs Department on +44(0)1480 451234
We also Offer Cricket Bat Knocking In Service